When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

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This book has had phenomenal sales worldwide, since it’s publication in January 2016.

Paul Kalanithi was a 35 year old neurosurgeon with the world at his feet and a glittering future ahead, when  he was stopped in his tracts by a diagnosis of terminal cancer. This  book, published posthumously, is the record of his journey towards the inevitable and while this sounds like a gloomy book, it is anything but.

Kalanithi was clearly an immensely talented man, having majored in English and Biology before turning to medicine. His story will grip you and refuse to let go, told in elegant, language that soars to heights of power and wonder. One of the most striking features of his account is the degree to which he gains comfort and meaning form literature, this is rarely so evident in a man of science, but then Paul Kalanithi was a very rare and unique individual.

Be aware that when you read this book, it will remain with you and resonate with your own personal quest, to come to terms with your own mortality and the meaning of your life.

The book is enhanced by an epilogue written by Paul’s wife, Lucy and a forward by Abraham Verghese, author of “Cutting For Stone” In between these “bookends”, is a story like you never heard before, heartbreakingly sad, moving and life affirming, all at once.

Read it.

You can reserve a copy online at South Dublin Libraries’ catalogue here.

Also, this post is our 100th post!


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