Most Requested – March 2019

Welcome back to our occasional series, where we take you through the top five most requested books in Ireland’s Public Libraries. So starting, in reverse order:

the year of the locust.jpg
Screenwriter Terry Hayes’ first novel, I Am Pilgrim, was a massive, massive hit, and he’s finally released a new novel, and it’s number 5 on our list with 183 holds. You can reserve it here.

a keeper
Speaking of second novels, tv presenter Graham Norton’s second novel, after his smash hit Holding is proving just as popular with 452 holds. You can reserve it here. 

normal people
Keeping with the trend of second novels, Sally Rooney’s Normal People is a massive hit. To the point that booksellers are keeping stacks of them by the tills because people are asking for them so much. Garnering great reviews from everywhere, she’s being called a voice of her generation. And there’s 632 people waiting on the book to see if that’s the case! You can reserve a copy here.

Jumping up hugely from the previous waiting list, Anna Burns’ first novel, Milkman, and winner of the 2018 Booker Prize is second in our list with a whopping 1049 holds. You can reserve it here.

Topping our list is Michelle Obama’s memoir, Becoming, which has garnered universal praise, and has a flabbergasting 1419 holds (including 104 people looking for the audio version read by the author – which I am currently listening to, and can recommend). You can reserve a copy here.

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